Becoming a content writer with no experience is actually a lot easier than you think. With website’s like the one, you are currently reading there is an abundance of tools that will help you go from complete novice to successful content creator in no time at all. All you have to do is read the following article and follow the tips for getting started.
The key thing to remember when you’re looking for information on how to become a content writer with no experience is that there are tons of resources out there that will help guide you through the process.
Note, while there are low barriers of entry into the content writing space. Delivering a quality product like many trades and services will take time. Unless of course, you are a seasoned writer. But alas you wouldn’t be here if that was the case.

Here is our 5 steps to success plan on becoming a content writer with no experience:
1) Learn how to write for the web
Writing for the web is very different from writing for print. By learning how to write for the web you will be able to adapt to changing trends easier. Your writing will become more efficient, and you will have a better understanding of what it takes to get people online to read your material.
Writing for the web is all about formatting and tone. How you structure your post will determine whether or not people will read it. How you build a strong argument and support it with relevant information is super important. It’s about having the right format, tone, and voice for your audience.
2) Read good content online
The best way to learn how to become a content writer with no experience is to read professionally written content online. This can be blogs, news sites, or really anything that has a decent amount of traffic. You could even go one step further and start visiting these sites daily and writing down 10 things about them each day.
Learning from the best will help you adapt and improve your writing. Even getting some inspiration on writing styles will go a long way. I like the motto of steal like an artist. This is very different to plagiarising. Be inspired by the people you think are good writers and use them as your baseline for writing.
3) Start a blog
Establishing your own blog will help you learn how to become a content writer with no experience quickly. By setting up your own site and going through the process of writing on daily basis, you will refine your writing skills and create a portfolio that will get you noticed by people looking for freelancers.
This will also work on creating a portfolio that will help you land freelance work later on. Of course, when people are looking to take you up on your services they will need to get an idea of the quality of your work.
Note, if you don’t have the time or capability. A great place to start writing is on online platforms like Medium. Medium is a great spot to showcase your talents and get a fair amount of exposure. In fact, you can earn money on Medium as it is a monetised writing platform.
4) Learn basic SEO strategy
Having an understanding of basic SEO strategy is crucial when you’re starting out as both a freelance writer and as someone looking to build an online business. SEO is the future of online content. If you want to see your writing online you better make sure it’s optimized for search engines!
SEO is the most important part of online writing if you want to get great results for your writing for yourself or your clients. We have an SEO content writing guide that will teach you all you need to get going with the basics.
5) Start networking
The most important thing to remember when learning how to become a content writer with no experience is to start networking. Find people in the online space who are looking for writers and offer your services to them. This can be in the form of a freelance writing gig online or starting a blog together.
I would also advise any aspiring writer who want’s to get their blog or online brand off the ground, create a very simple FAQ page on your site that you can use as a place people can contact you.
Bonus Step: Write a lot
Now the hard part, writing. The more you write the better you will become. There is no other way around it. So if you want to learn how to become a content writer with no experience then the only way you will do this is by putting in the work and writing as much as possible every day. Even something as simple as writing just a few sentences can help develop your skillset and improve your ability to write on demand.
The Wrap
Yes, there aren’t a lot of barriers to entry to becoming a content writer but quality of work is probably the most important part of being successful. I would also recommend reading as much content as possible to become an expert in your industry.
When people are looking for writers they will use what you have put out there to judge the quality of your work. The more you have on your writing portfolio, the better chance you have of landing writing jobs and building a sustainable online business.
For aspiring Australian content writers, CWA is in the midst of creating our own content writing course. Register interest below:
In the meantime, we have created a beginners guide to content writing here.
I’ll finish off by wishing you the best in launching your online business. Thanks for reading our guide and don’t forget to share!
Become a content writer with no experience – FAQ
What is the best way to start content writing?
The best way to start content writing is by building a portfolio. You can do this by setting up your own blog and write on your website or you can use sites like Medium or LinkedIn to showcase your writing abilities as long as you’re not trying to hide the fact you are looking for a paid gig.
Another great way is to join an online community and get involved in the conversation. There are a lot of communities with people looking for content writers like 99Designs which allows you to showcase your writing with a portfolio.
What should I include in my resume when applying for content writing jobs?
Your resume should include a brief description of what you do and why you are the best fit for the job. Tell them why you want to write for them in your cover letter.
You should also include any other information that shows you are a competent professional. For example, if you have worked in writing before as a freelancer then include that, regardless of whether or not it was past work experience. It will show that you are organized and take initiative to identify opportunities.
Should I have a website and portfolio to show clients before we work together?
Yes. You should have a website and portfolio to show clients. You can use sites like Upwork, Fiverr or to find clients and get work done from home.
How much should I charge?
Honestly, there is no set price for content writing just like there is no set price for any other service. What a client will pay will depend on the type of project they are paying you for, how long it will take them and their needs.
The other thing to note is that don’t undercharge as this gives off a perception of cheapness. You don’t want to charge pennies for a project that takes you hours to complete.
What should I include in my content writing job emails?
This is something we haven’t talked about but it is very important. When you email prospects or potential clients, you want to put your best foot forward. In this case, that means including a professional email address as well as some preliminary information on the job before they contact you.
How do you find freelance work as a new writer with no experience?
When you’re new to this business, the question of how to find freelance content writing work is a tricky one. The best thing you can do is get started before you have clients and build a portfolio. This way, it will be easier for people to see your work and distinguish it from other writers.
Use online freelance sites like UpWork or to post your writing services and to get immediate clients as long as you take some time for proper research.
In your job descriptions, put a short bio about yourself and the type of work you are looking for. Your resume should also include your educational background and a list of all previous freelance jobs you have done in the past. This makes it easy for potential clients to find you once they search online.
What is the difference between freelance content writing and content writing positions?
Freelance content writing is a specialized area of work that involves the creation of websites, blogs and other content that can be distributed both online and offline in various forms. This includes original e-books, white paper bundles, guides and other content formats. Freelance content writers are paid by clients based on the amount of work they complete or the time spent working on a project. Those who freelance often also set up their own businesses to help generate revenue to support their freelance activities.
Content writer positions, on the other hand, are short-term jobs that are paid hourly or monthly for content writing works like blog posts, ebooks and other short content productions. One thing to remember is that with freelance content writing, you will have a lot of freedom in terms of your work and how much you charge per hour or at a fixed price. With content writer positions, however, the client may sometimes dictate the terms of payment and other areas where you can exercise creativity.
What kind of content should I write?
When you start content writing its best to start in an area you are either passionate or familiar with. This will do two things, first, you will be able to create better content as your genuine passion will come through. Second, as you are familiar with the subject matter you will be able to complete work more quickly.
I don’t have much work experience, can I still write?
Yes, people with very little experience can still learn how to become a content writer with no experience. You don’t need years of professional writing to start writing professionally online nowadays, all you need is passion and a willingness to learn on the job.
The best way to learn is to start writing and build a portfolio from there. This way, you will be able to show off your abilities and start getting freelance jobs online.
What should I write about?
When you’re starting out as a writer it’s best to keep things simple. Don’t try and do too much all at once, that will be overwhelming. When you start writing some basic articles or posts for your new blog or website is a great place to start.
The type of content you write about will depend on your skillset and interests. For example, if you’re good at writing about health and fitness, then that’s a great area to write about. If you’re good with creating video content for businesses, then that’s another great area to start out in.
If there are no clear topics for you to write about yet, don’t worry. You can always take time to research various topics once you have some clients. Also, this is a great way to keep yourself motivated and focused at the same time.
How do I get clients if I don’t have much experience?
If you’re a complete novice to the business, don’t worry too much about getting clients. Instead, focus on putting out high-quality content consistently. There is no need to rush the process of building a base for your content writing business unless you want to.
Once you build up a body of work that people can see and trust, they will start coming to you for more work.